Remember the days when earth seemed like it was the only object spinning at excessive speeds? For the record it spins at 1600km/hr. These days it feels like we’re the ones doing the spinning. Let’s face it. The pace of life in 2018 is fast. For everything that’s simplified something else seems a little complicated. All the more reason to find time to focus on you and reconnect with the good stuff surrounding you.
Take a look at this pic from @morningbondi
Breath in . . . Sunrise. . yoga . . the most famous beach in Australia . . Breath out . . .
Relaxing right?
For some of us yoga on a beach is bliss. It may bring you all the mental and physical health required. For someone else it may not exactly bring that clarity you’re looking for.
Now yoga can be traced back up to 10,000 years. It’s defined as an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness. ... But your yoga can be defined as many things.
In fact, your yoga is that activity your passionate about, the thing you do that relaxes you, stimulates you and connects all the dots at the same time. For me its family time and trail running. For you it might be travel, ocean swimming, skiing, photography, an afternoon of salsa dancing, even tending to your origami tree.
Whatever it is. Make time for it. Get outside, get active and high five the world the best way you know how. In these moments the endorphins and positive thoughts are ignited. You’re letting it all go but grasping it all at the same time.
So, find your yoga. Do more of it. Let your mind and body embrace it.
The world will continue to spin, you don’t need to.