Our skin is the largest organ of the body.
With a total area of about 20 square feet. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. So you need to look after it!
Much like our friend pictured. Some of us go to extremes to maintain silky smooth skin and ensure those wrinkles are kept at bay and so we should. But you don't need to dress like a stuntman.
The sunlight that reaches us is made up of two types of harmful rays: long wave ultraviolet A (UVA) and short wave ultraviolet B (UVB).
UVA rays are most common and can penetrate deep into the skins surface which can lead to skin ageing, wrinkling and skin cancer.
UVB rays can cause surface tanning, burning and signs of ageing.
UV rays can damage skin cells. In fact too much UV can trigger malignant tumours leading to melanomas on the skin.
Now there are a number of elements that can lead to melanoma but what we do know is that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is the major environmental contributor.
The good news is exposure to damaging UV rays from the sun is the most preventable risk factor.
Here are six steps that will assist in the prevention of skin damage and melanoma.
1. Sunscreen. Make sunscreen a daily habit. UV radiation can still damage skin even in the winter and on cloudy days. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays with SPF of at least 30.
2. Wear sun protective clothing. The fabric used for each tscudo top is designed for the outdoors whether you're in or out of the water. The fabric is tightly constructed, it's UPF50+ and also blocks both UVA and UVB rays.
3. Wear protective accessories. Protect your body with a sun-protective hat, and sunglasses.
4. Avoid peak rays between 10am and 2pm. It's during these times the sun’s rays are most intense. So stay out of the sun.
5. Protect Children. If you're taking the kids outside remember just one bad sunburn in childhood or adolescence doubles your child’s chances of melanoma.
6. Check UV levels. Most weather forecasts now give an indication of UV levels that can be expected during the day. The UV levels are measured from 0 at the low end to 11 which is extreme. If the forecast shows UV levels at 3 or over, we recommend that you take all the precautions necessary – sunscreen, sun protective apparel, sunglasses and water bottle.
The journey matters. Your skin should too. So wear sun protection for some more clarity in life.