Australians have it pretty good and it’s not a bad place to call home. How could we not be grateful? A good lifestyle, opportunity breaths everywhere, good weather, incredible coast line with the best beaches in the world. An abundance of national parks, amazing wildlife, beautiful harbours, fresh food and multi-cultural communities living in harmony.
Yet this environment we call home is fragile and we have to look after it. For most of us we do and we do a good job. But with the density of population growing within our cities especially along waterways, harbours and rivers they continue to be the catchment for a lot of waste.
Living in the inner west of Sydney it was a run along the Kokoda Memorial Track on Parramatta River, Concord, I was shocked at the rubbish scattered along the foreshore, within the mangroves during low tide and floating in the water.
In this day and age, in this city, it's simply not acceptable. So, the 2Hour Community Clean was born and it's simple. It's about getting outside, getting to know your community, your neighbours and cleaning your local environment.
It's two hours, 120 minutes of your time that you get to make a difference and when you do. It feels good.
The images above are from the 2Hour Community Clean that took place on the 9th February 2019. Located at Cabarita foreshore we managed to collect multiple bags of rubbish along 300m of foreshore.
Join tscudo for the next 2Hour Community Clean.